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Thursday, June 21, 2007

Go for a ride...

Well, I have now been out of work for about three weeks. I ran out of PTO days (vacation days) last Tuesday. I am still waiting to receive legible paperwork so I can submit for my short term disability claim. And I am getting pretty bored sitting on the couch. So I am making no money and I've got no job. Wonderful eh?

"What?! No job" you say? As I discussed in the beginning, this has been a very interesting turn of events in the past couple weeks. I talked to my boss last Sunday and basically his hands are tied. We just don't have enough money to pay more then one person. He has tried talking with the other partners to see if there is something that can be done, anyway to get me some work. The only real things my boss could really come up with are just some BS things. Granted they would be helpful but I can't be doing work that we can't charge my hours back for. So if something comes up like programming some lights or something like that then we could probably work something out.

So I decided that I need to start finding some work. Either via my job or some job but I need to find someway to bring some money in. I decided to call the other partners in the company in the NJ office. After explaining the situation I think they realize they need to find some work for me or they may lose me. They have decided to push down some engineering work for both the Miami and NJ offices. So basically I'll be working with CAD and Visio to generate drawings for the technicians to follow. I'll get paid an hourly rate (yet to be determined). It does look like I may get some work directly from Miami after all. We got a call from a customer last week saying there was an issue with some outside lights not turning on consistently. So I get to make some programming adjustments. I am not sure how they are going to pay me, but I am going to submit my time worked. Also we have a new prospective client. I spent about an hour generating a lighting and motorized shade quote to pass along to engineering for a proposal. A whole hour. w00t!

My week could be busy. Well at least for the first couple days. Between getting caught up with the engineering software and doctor appointments.

I have finalized the acupuncture schedule. I will meet 3x a week for a month, then 2x a week for two months and then 1x a week for another 2 months. Basically a 5 month program that he believes will cut my recovery time down by about 30%. Like I've said before my realistic goal it to be back on a bike by Thanksgiving. One comment I would like to add on behalf of my grandmother regarding Acupuncture. I found out recently she is experiencing similar yet more severe hand numbness that I was having. Hers is pretty much permanent and effects the whole hand. After completing a nerve conduction study (which she says doesn't hurt), seeing orthopods and finally seeing an acupuncturist she still has no relief. I ended up telling my acupuncturist about this. I think we agree that it is possible the nerve damage may be too far along but it does seem like quite a coincidence that my grandma and I have the same symptoms in the same hand.

I will know much more about my recovery/physical therapy timing once Tuesday afternoon rolls around after my meeting with the orthopedic surgeon. I'll keep you posted.

Other then all this drama I have a bit more to throw on the fire, although it isn't really dramatic. I met a girl online about two weeks ago. We've exchanged a good handful of emails. She seems like a great person, seems to get my sense of humor, and overall is somebody I would like to meet, oh and is cute to boot. So we decided to meet on Saturday. The only stipulation for meeting was we couldn't go somewhere where I would have to walk a lot. So no romantic walks on the beach or anything. We decided on a nice sit down at the stereotypical Starbucks. Unfortunately her car broke down on Friday so we are going to reschedule for some time this week. We were both bummed about not meeting but we did get a chance to chat online over the weekend. As I've been typing this I as thinking of a name so you could identify her as I post more of the story. But of course I wouldn't post her real name, it would have to be a nickname or something. But then I realized I am not Jacqueline and I don't come up with nick names for all my friends and people I've dated. If she comes up with one I'll think about it and let ya know.

Since I screwed up my ankle I have thought about riding quite a bit. But last week I was on my way home from acupuncture. I was driving down the road and I was thinking about what I was going to do that afternoon. First thought that popped in my head was "hey I'll go for a ride"..... "aww fuck."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nicknaming comes with time, dear Paparazzo. You must know a person, then their nickname just presents itself one day to you. It is not that hard.

Then again, some people just surpass nicknames all together. They are just too wonderful to capture in one little name. Those people go by names like...humm...."Jacqueline."